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Outsource Your Liability

with Bob Fitch State Farm

written by Amanda Graves

Nothing rewarding ever comes without risk. Business owners know all too well how true that statement can be. And while we might not think of it as outsourcing, insurance is exactly that—a way to manage and protect against the risks that come with running a business. By outsourcing your liability to an insurance company, you’re not just safeguarding your business, but also your personal well-being.

For 24 years, Bob Fitch has been a trusted State Farm agent, guiding people through some of their most difficult moments. What sets the Bob Fitch State Farm agency apart is personal: it’s Bob himself, his dedicated team and his deep roots in the community. He and his team work to find the best plan for your business, crafting a policy that protects the company you’ve poured your heart and soul into building.

Bob first started at State Farm as an intern while attending Green Mountain College. He worked in an entry-level department where he was able to experience firsthand the State Farm culture. He enjoyed his experience so much that, following his graduation, he continued with the company as an underwriter trainee for the corporate office. In this position, he reviewed auto insurance policies, and eventually moved to Florida in 2006 to pursue a leadership opportunity. Bob worked with a sales team and during his time in Florida realized that he wanted to open his own agency. “I had met a State Farm agent when I first started with the company and basically internalized that I would love to have that opportunity someday if it presented itself,” he explained. Two years later, that exact opportunity would arise as he returned to Saratoga Springs with his wife, Mena, and their daughter. “We wanted to be close to family and also be established in the community where we wanted to raise our family,” Bob said.

Going into his agency, Bob knew that he wanted to establish a company with a focus on doing right by the customer. He hired a team of professionals who are well-experienced in the insurance agency and, more importantly, care about each client’s needs. “I wanted to create a winning culture within my agency. I hired people who have high standards when it comes to customer service. I hire individuals who are family-driven that want to help people and, of course, people who have high integrity and want to do the right thing,” said Bob. When you walk into Bob’s agency, you can be guaranteed that his team wants what’s best for you and your business. They focus on listening to a customer’s needs so they can educate and provide solutions accordingly.

Bob’s agency offers a variety of different options, catering to many different industries.  “We provide a lot of business solutions in the event of different insurance needs to cover the risk that a small business owner can go through,” Bob said.  He has a niche market for small businesses, like photographers, chiropractors, work-from-home companies, and many more. They can get liability insurance which provides them with protection should they be in a situation where they are responsible. For example, if someone is injured and the business is liable for the cause, or if a worker damages a resident’s property while on a job site, etc. Even the best company with the most capable employees can find themselves in these situations from time to time. Being insured for situations like these and many others is crucial in protecting your business from crumbling should an accident occur. “Our policy that we have in place will help protect their assets that they work hard for,” explained Bob.  In addition to liability insurance, they also offer small businesses disability insurance. This protects someone if they are injured and can no longer work for a period of time. “If they’re injured on the job, they will get a check from State Farm to help them offset any cost or bills that they might have while they’re not working,” said Bob. Life insurance is also available, which protects the business from failing should a partner of the business die. While nobody likes to think about all the possible negative outcomes, planning for them is crucial to protect your business, yourself, and your family.

His team even goes above and beyond to help adjust your policy as needed. “Most small businesses don’t review their insurance policy annually, and if your business grows and your business changes, it presents different needs for different types of coverages. And having myself and my team in place to assist you allows us to identify those new needs as they present themselves,” Bob explained. As a business owner, the goal is to grow and expand your business, and that means sometimes needing an adjustment in coverage. Bob and his team want to ensure that no matter what direction you take your business in, it is protected. “We act as a risk manager that can review your policy every year with you and we can grow and educate you on the right policies as your business grows as well,” he said.    

In addition to the insurance coverage, Bob’s agency provides people with the value of knowing they are working with dedicated and caring professionals that care about the community they insure. “We’re not an 800 number, we're a small business just like the individuals we’re insuring,” he said, “We’re local, we live in the community where we provide our goods and services and where we provide our insurance. We shop where our clients shop, we raise our children where our clients raise their children, so it’s really nice to be community-involved and community driven.”

Dealing with insurance usually means you’re facing a stressful situation—one that no one likes to think about until it’s a reality. But when the unexpected does happen, having a reliable team by your side makes all the difference. That’s where Bob Fitch and his team truly excel, turning difficult moments into manageable ones. “For me it's rewarding when I’m able to help customers when the unexpected happens to them,” says Bob. In those moments, the full value of having the right insurance and a trusted agent becomes clear—it’s not just about protection, but also about peace of mind and knowing you’re not facing it alone.

For more information about the Bob Fitch State Farm agency and to learn more about coverage options, visit: